Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Swift and Kool have such different personalities. Swift is always by my side, while Kool usually does his own thing. They don't often cuddle together, but when they do, my heart just melts. I love this picture. It shows how much they truly love each other.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Running is for the Dogs

No, not really. I just wanted a cute title to my post that had something to do with dogs, since this is a dog blog, after all. :)

I got my two running days in last week, and I even went on an extra walk on Sunday with both boys. On Monday, I took Swift with me for my run. It makes me so happy to see how much he loves it. When it's time to do the running part, he just takes off, with his ears flying back and a smile on his face. He's not a huge fan of the walking part. He's ready at any moment to put his little legs to work again!

Swift, ready and raring to go

I took Kool on Thursday. It didn't go quite as well as it did with Swift. I always thought Kool was a great leash-walker, but I think it was just because Swift is such a puller that Kool looks good in comparison. Kool drags behind me and sometimes just sits down and won't move. During the running intervals, I had to give him little tugs to keep him going. I felt like he was slowing me down. I've always known that Kool is a bit lazy and doesn't like to walk as much as Swift, so I was hoping to build his stamina a little bit. However, he is 10 years old, so I'm not sure that it's really the best thing for him. What do you think? He always seemed to do well when we went on our Adventureweiner hikes, but it's been a while since we've done those. I really want to build up all of our stamina so we're ready to hit it next summer.

"Whazzat?" Swift and Kool on our bonus walk

Monday, October 7, 2013

I Hate Running

Well, I didn't do too well with my new Pooch to 5K program. The first day was a little bit rainy, but I went anyway. I made sure to walk the dogs for a bit so they could do their business before we began to run jog. It was absolutely miserable. I got through the whole 30 minutes, though. The boys did pretty well, too. Kool, as always, trailed behind, and Swift pulled in front. Swift just had a blast when I had my running intervals. I could tell he was loving the running. I got back to the house, collapsed on the couch, and posted on Facebook, "Well, that was just horrible." And it was.

But I did it again Thursday, 3 days later. It actually seemed a bit easier, but the dogs didn't do as well. Kool kept tangling his leash around me, and Swift decided to pop a squat and go poo in the middle of our session - even though he had just gone not 20 minutes before! I noticed the running sessions were easier this time, so I was pretty motivated.

But then Saturday came. And I was extremely busy. I had plans Saturday night, and I waited too long to do my program. By the time I got around to it, it was pretty hot outside. I don't do well in the heat anyway, so I decided I would "postpone" my run until Sunday. But then I had church Sunday. And plans Sunday night. So I missed my 3rd session of Week 1.

"That's okay, Amy," I said. "You can just start over and do Week 1 again! It'll be super easy this time." But then Monday came around again, and I didn't want to do it. So I didn't. Then the week drug on, and I was disappointed in myself. But I said, "That's okay, Amy. You can just start again on Monday!" But then Monday came AGAIN (funny how that works), and I. Just. Did. Not. Want. To. Do. It.

I think I got overwhelmed trying to go from not doing anything to working this program 3 times a week. I'm going to make it fit my life. I'm going to change it up a bit. I'm only going to do it twice a week, but I'm going to take twice as long, and do each week two times. I know 18 weeks sounds like a long time (the program is designed to be 9 weeks), but I know myself. 3 times a week is not going to work for me. If I can get out and do it 2 times a week, that's better than 0 times a week.

Wish us luck again!

Since this is supposed to be a dog blog, here are pictures of the boys.

What do you think Swift is saying?

Proceed to make fun of Kool's teeth. I do.